Events they’ll talk
about for years to come
Georgette Farkas shares some of her tried and true tricks for hosting a special dinner, Oscars 2023 style...
People’s Kitchen partners with Chocobar Cortés to bring our guests award winning chocolate dishes by the Cortés family...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Pamela Puchalski, Executive Director, OHNY Three years ago, I experienced one of the most unsettling moments of my adult l...
SILVER LININGS By Saundra Thomas Watch Saundra Thom...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Lauren Tregor Three years seems impossible, it feels like yesterday. I remember when we all went home that the whole “wo...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Ali Rea Baum When we closed in March 13, we just celebrated the opening of the amazing Studio 54 show at the Brooklyn Muse...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Linda Abbey Where were you in March of 2020. Is there a moment that stands out in your memory? That first week of March ...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Kevin Jaeger In March of 2020, New York City was a speeding train vibrating with excitement and possibility and I–li...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Danielle Madeira I still can’t believe that it has been 3 years. Where were you in March of 2020. Is there a moment th...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Trevor Buchanan The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented global event that has brought challenges to our lives, esp...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Morgan Golumbuk Embarrassingly enough, I learned to cook during “the COVID era.” By March 2020, I had been working in ...
THE PANDEMIC By Chris Harkness I remember hearing the news warn against shaking hands and getting too close to an individual. Not shaking hands...
COVID REFLECTIONS By Liz Neumark, CEO & Founder, Great Performances The shutdown coincided with the multi-million dollar commitment my comp...
This March we're celebrating Preservation with Liz's very own Beet Pickled Eggs recipe...
On this 3rd anniversary, we look back and hear the stories from all corners of our GP community about their experiences with Covid...