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“Schmaltzy” – What Does It Mean?


My preferred choice of translation includes “mushy and sentimental”.  The Jewish Food Society adopted the word Schmaltzy to characterize their storytelling program (and now podcast) about life, food and everything in between. Think The Moth, but Jewish style. These stories are connected to a recipe; “stories of who we are as cooks, as families, and as a people”. The stories pull at your heartstrings, make you laugh and cry,  often at the same time. 

In 2019 I was invited to share a story at the Schmaltzy gathering held at the New York City Wine & Food Festival in NYC. Next week, this story about an unexpected night of latke making merriness will be played on the Schmaltzy Podcast along with an interview between podcast host Amanda Dell and me. Check out the Schmatlzy podcast on your favorite app. You can download the latest episodes and subscribe to Schmaltzy to get the latest podcasts direct to your device.

Here is my recipe for latkes from my cookbook, Sylvia’s Table. Chanukah begins on December 10th so you have time to practice!